Dear Colleagues:
    It is our great pleasure to announce that the 7th Food and Environmental Virology Conference will be held during May 2022 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
    As in previous congreses, the conference will focus on basic and applied research in the areas of food safety and health impact of viruses, viral stability and inactivation, emerging technologies for viral disinfection and treatment processes, source tracking, risk assessment, epidemiology or the impact of climate change on viral occurrence, among other issues.
    Santiago de Compostela is a city of pilgrimage for christianity since the Middle Age and it receives thousands of visitors each year, but it is also a lively university town. The University of Santiago de Compostela was founded in 1495 and it maintains one of the most important academic traditions in Europe. In 2009, CAMPUS VIDA, a Biocampus comprising a number of institutional agents and companies and lidered by the University of Santiago de Compostela, was recognized as an International Campus of Excellence devoted to the Life Sciences, which makes it an incomparable place to hold our meeting.
    We are looking forward to receiving you in our warm city that, by sure, will provide you with the best opportunities to have a wonderful meeting and an enjoyable stay.
Jesus L. Romalde
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Contact us to: isfev2020@isfev.org
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